Open Jupyter Journal documents saved in Google Drive Record Stream

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A Step-by-Step Guide on Downloading Your Google Drive Files Directly to  Jupyter Notebook using Google Drive Python API | by FIRE Capital One  Machine Learning of | Medium

So I as of late changed from DropBox to research Drive and the cycle went actually without a hitch, that was until I couldn’t get to any of my Jupyter Scratch pad .ipynb records through the Jupyter document program that is essential for my Boa constrictor arrangement.

The fact that I am in good company makes me decided to compose this blog since it consumed me a huge chunk of time to track down an answer so me trust that this helps any other person with a similar issue, me certain!

Stage 1: Open the Order Brief

Simply type in order brief in the pursuit segment in the base left of your screen (just to the right of the Windows Symbol) and afterward click on the Order Brief Application.

Stage 2: Get the document way to your client catalog on Windows

Simply type in C:\Users into windows document wayfarer and afterward select your client registry. Mine was C:\Users\jwpwh

Stage 3: Find the drive letter for your Google Drive

Then, find the drive letter that your Google Drive utilizes. Mine was G:\

Stage 4: Presently at last make the catalog intersection order

This step is an order that will make an intersection between your Google Drive and your ordinary record structure on your C: drive (that Jupyter document pilgrim can see). The junstion will be as an organizer called Google Drive that sits in your windows client catalog. Basically make the order beneath utilizing your catalog way from Stage 2 and your Google Drive letter from Stage 3. This is what the order resembles for me:

I found the answer for this issue concealed in this GitHub present so thatnls on the client jkmgeo and whoever initially sorted this out.