Imagine browsing the internet or taking a call on your smartphone and all of a sudden — the device catches on fire! It might sound far-fetched, but it has actually happened to some owners of…
Tagged By Samsung

Samsung SmartThings Hub: Business Security — Right from Your Phone
New smart technology from Samsung could be the backbone of a security system for your business all accessed from a mobile device. It’s called the Samsung “SmartThings Hub” version 2.0, and can be described as…

Will New Samsung Gear S3 Smartwatch Be Business Friendly?
The smartwatch market is picking up traction as manufacturers reassess the design and functionality of their first generation watches with much better versions. Samsung (KRX:005930) is one of the companies that has dramatically improved from…

Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Should Suit Small Business Owners
Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 4 has a lot of features that should suit small business owners but it won’t be a replacement for your laptop. For small business owners on the go more often than not,…

Did In-House Testing Fail to Detect Samsung Note 7 Battery Problems?
Samsung (KRX:005930) tested the batteries for the exploding Galaxy Note 7 in a self-owned lab. It is the only manufacturer of smartphones allowed to test their phone batteries in-house, according to The Wall Street Journal…

Samsung Notebook 7 Spin Seems Pricey for Business But May Be Good for Road Warriors
Samsung’s new laptop/tablet hybrid may be the best option for full time digital nomads and entrepreneurs living out of their suitcase. Or you may just be a techie that wants the option of a standard…

Samsung Pay Adds Russia, Malaysia and Thailand to Mobile Payment Service
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (KRX:005930) recently announced a new partnership with Russian bank Sberbank to bring its Samsung Pay service to three more countries: Russia, Malaysia and Thailand. The new partnership offers opportunities for small…

Samsung Alternative to Siri and Cortana Coming With New Smartphone
Samsung (KRX:005930) announced it is adding a new generation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the upcoming Galaxy S8 phone to be released in Spring 2017. With Alexa, Cortana, Google Now and Siri as the established…
More Samsung Products Recalled Over Safety Issues (Watch)
Samsung again says its recalling some of its products due to safety concerns. If it feels like you’ve heard this all before, you’re right. Samsung has already dealt with issues regarding its Galaxy Note 7…

You Won’t Believe How Easy it Is to Break the Samsung Galaxy Note 5
“The Samsung Galaxy Note 5 is our easiest to break mobile device.” OK, so that’s not how the company is advertising the Note 5, except for maybe in the Bizzaro world. But Samsung is admitting…