Taking a capsule of probiotics, which are designed to boost the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut, may speed up recovery from the Covid-19 infection, according to a new study. Probiotics are over-the-counter tablets…

Taking a capsule of probiotics, which are designed to boost the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut, may speed up recovery from the Covid-19 infection, according to a new study. Probiotics are over-the-counter tablets…
Introduction The average life expectancy in the world has increased substantially in the past few decades.1 The aging of the population has led to a high prevalence of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and…
Most in-use make-up products such as beauty blenders, mascara and lip gloss might be contaminated with potentially life-threatening superbugs, including E. coli and Staphylococci, according to a study. Bacteria that can cause illnesses ranging from skin…
The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over…
Staples has offered drop-off sites for wasted electronics at its stores since 2007 and now accepts up to seven pieces a day free. Since that time, more retailers and manufacturers have worked to help divert…
People who do not smoke, consume alcohol moderately and maintain a healthy weight may live up to seven years longer than the general population, and spend most of these extra years in good health, a…
survey on the status of care for patients suffering from non-communicable diseases (NCDs), carried out in the Nairobi metropolitan area, has revealed that healthcare providers face unique constraints in offering holistic support to patients. Such…
Artists and architects think differently compared to other people, and use elaborate, detailed descriptions when they talk about spaces, scientists say. Researchers found that when asked to talk about images of places, painters are more…
Social Media marketing has become an essential for small businesses today. With almost half of the world’s population being active on the internet, it is one of the fastest and most effective ways to reach…
Have you ever wondered how you can effectively use hashtags (#) for social media to increase the reach of your business’ social media posts? Well, a new study conducted by TrackMaven, an integrated marketing analytics…