Renewable energy is good for the planet, but it can be great for consumers — depending on your location, you can actually make a profit using solar panels and backup battery storage. Those benefits can be hard for…
Tagged By tiny
Tiny house rich in smart-home tech can go off-grid
Tiny houses don’t generally come with a lot of gadgets and gizmos installed, but Portland, Oregon’s Covo Tiny House Company goes all-in on smart home technology with its Covo Mio tiny house. The recently-completed dwelling…
This App Claims to Turn Your Phone into a Tiny Scanner but Does it Measure Up?
Usefulness Functionality Price Summary The Tiny Scanner mobile app turns Android and iOS devices into portable document scanners. It scans everything as images or PDFs. The Tiny Scanner mobile app turns your phone into a…
This App Claims to Turn Your Phone into a Tiny Scanner but Does it Measure Up?
Usefulness Functionality Price Summary The Tiny Scanner mobile app turns Android and iOS devices into portable document scanners. It scans everything as images or PDFs. The Tiny Scanner mobile app turns your phone into a…
DIY: Make your own tiny terrarium garden that’ll stay green all winter long
Avid gardeners and outdoor lovers tend to mope all winter long because of the lack of greenery around them, but there’s an easy way to fix that! Indoor plants give any space a lively splash of…