Peace Lily
Easy to grow, peace lily plants remain fragrant and flowery almost all through the summer season and have the ability to shoo away impurities in the air. Avoid watering them too often, though. Place the pot at a shady corner inside the house.
Toxins cleared: Trichloroethylene, formaldehyde, ammonia and benzene.
Boston Fern
Keep them moist and away from direct sunlight, and in return these ferns will assure there are no pollutants in the air that you breathe in. This plant is said to significantly improve air quility in homes and offices.
Toxins cleared: Xylene and formaldehyde.
English Ivy
This freewheeling vine can create a green landscape on the windows and doors of your house, while it even grows well in pots. Popular for its lush foliage, this plant thrives even in little sunlight and constantly purifies air.
Toxins cleared: Formaldehyde and mold allergens.
Gerbera Daisy
Little did we know that these lovely flowers keep a check on air pollutants, apart from gracing our living rooms. This houseplant needs bright light, while the soil should be well drained. Gerbera daisies often bloom from the middle of spring until autumn.
Toxins cleared: Benzene and trichloroethylene.
Spider Plant
A staple of every garden, the spider plant usually grows from a rosette at the centre, producing new shoots, branched stolons and even tiny white flowers. Said to be excellent air cleaners, this plant is non-fussy and can thrive under any condition.
Toxins cleared: Formaldehyde and xylene.
Well known for its air filtering quality, the Dracaena plant is available in more than 40 different varieties. Easy to grow, these plants do not require too much care, but avoid direct sunlight. Dracaena, however, is said to be harmful for dogs and cats, so pet owners better opt out of it.
Toxins cleared: Benzene, formaldehyde, xylene and toluene.
Bamboo Palm
This plant prefers a lot of sunlight, and can grow very tall (sometimes, as tall as 12 feet), making them an unmissable part of home decor. A champ in clearing up impurities in air, Bamboo Palm is favoured by almost every household.
Toxins cleared: Trichloroethylene, benzene and formaldehyde.