The marketing geniuses at Razer are not averse to turning a good April Fool’s Day joke into an actual product (see “Project Breadwinner”). Toasters may seem like a bewildering decision for a company releasing bleeding edge laptops…

The marketing geniuses at Razer are not averse to turning a good April Fool’s Day joke into an actual product (see “Project Breadwinner”). Toasters may seem like a bewildering decision for a company releasing bleeding edge laptops…
Kate Pinpoint Side TableKate Pinpoint Side Table Liam Coffee TableLiam Coffee Table Raquel Prism LampRaquel Prism Lamp Hamilton ChandelierHamilton Chandelier Taylor Bubble SconceTaylor Bubble Sconce October 28, 2016 From the Robb Report Luxury Newswire Los…
Amazon is dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s in the Internet of Things with its newest releases: the Echo Dot and the Echo Tap. Released together, though not dependent of each other, these…