Some call it the fourth industrial revolution or “industry 4.0”; for others, the time when machines can “talk” at “smart” factories and “connected” homes to make your life better is here. But for India,Internet of…

Some call it the fourth industrial revolution or “industry 4.0”; for others, the time when machines can “talk” at “smart” factories and “connected” homes to make your life better is here. But for India,Internet of…
Drivers for ride-hailing app Lyft will no longer face the imperative of owning a car under a rental program launched on Monday with General Motors Co. The initiative is the first to come out of…
Online harassment and sexism is demeaning women and can no longer be brushed aside as an ugly side of social media and the gaming industry if they are to thrive, panellists on Saturday said at…
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a physical disorder that causes prolonged abdominal pain or discomfort, bloating, and abnormal bowel movements including constipation and diarrhea. Classified as a gastrointestinal tract disorder, it can happen at any…
It is interesting to see how yoga nidra, where we literally do ‘nothing’, can do wonders for the body and mind. I find yoga nidra as restorative as sleep, or even much more than sleep.…
Even pet cats can teach us lessons in yoga! With a keen eye, the yogi absorbs ideas from the world around. Marjari asana, or the cat stretch, incorporates the excellent feline stretch in the yoga…
Badha = Bound or Restrained, Kona = Angle, Asana = Pose or Posture This pose is pronounced as BAH-dah-cone-AHS-ana The posture is named Badhakonasana because of the way it is carried out – both the…
The Queen certainly influenced more than a few designers for their AW16 collectionsCREDIT: ISIDORE MONTAG/REX Bethan Holt, acting fashion features editor 11 MARCH 2016 • 12:28PM You will never find Queen Elizabeth following a trend…