Imagine browsing the internet or taking a call on your smartphone and all of a sudden — the device catches on fire! It might sound far-fetched, but it has actually happened to some owners of…
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Judy Chan of Urban Airship: 82 Percent of Millennials More Likely to Use a Loyalty Card on Their Mobile Device
Small Business Trends: Give me a little bit of your personal background. Judy Chan: I am a product manager here at urban airship. So my primary role entrepreneurship is really to talk about mobile wallets.…
Matt Stringer of Men’s Wearhouse: Mobile Wallet Tech Will Change Customer Engagement
Small Business Trends: Give us a little of your background. Matt: I came in 16 years ago and went from being one of three people in the marketing department – with a channel strategy almost…
What is “The Internet of Things” and Why Should You Care?
It’s not just your phone and your watch that are smart anymore. These days, many more devices than just your computer are connected to the Internet. As we know, scads of other devices, software and…
Wow! Self-Making Bed Shows an Example of a Real-World Market Need
If necessity is the mother of invention, Kickstarter is its playpen. SMARTDUVET: the self-making bed, is a campaign that launched on Kickstarter and has already surpassed its $30,000 (Canadian) goal by almost $11,000 as of…
Could Business Meetings of the Future Be in Virtual Reality?
A new offering from virtual reality company Oculus, now owned by Facebook, could have interesting implications for small businesses. Oculus Rooms and Parties are new features for Gear VR users. They’ll also be available on…
Final Release of Microsoft Office 2016 Is Out
Microsoft announced the final release of Office 2016 is coming on Sept. 22, 2015. There are several improvements to existing features as well as new tools to improve the business owners experience. Office 2016 has been in the…
New OS X Update Improves Stability of Your Mac
Installing the latest updates a company provides for its software is key to ensuring the device and system you have in place are protected. While large enterprises have IT personnel to carry out this task,…
Mac Users, The Wait For a New Version Of Office May Soon Be Over
It isn’t easy to be an Apple fan and a fan of Microsoft Office, too. But some small business owners are certainly in that boat.You may prefer a Mac for work, but clients can’t stop…
School gardens teach students the value of fresh veggies — even turnips
1 of 6 Students in the gifted and talented program at Pikeville Elementary raise vegetables such as kale and turnips in a winter garden at the school. Here, they look at vegetables in one bed…